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Avviso: Chiusura laboratori - Labs closure

Il laboratorio sarà chiuso dal 5 agosto al 1 settembre.

Buone vacanze !


The lab will be close from August 5th till September 1st.

Enjoy the holidays !

News: COLLABORAZIONI part-time

Sono state definite le collaborazioni part-time per collaborare con il Labinf.

Per info vedere la sezione Borsisti

Link al bando su portale didattica


Part-time collaboration are defined.

Info in section Borsisti

Link to official documentation

Comunicazione urgente: EXCEPTIONAL CLOSURE - UPDATE

We would like to inform you that the LABINF & ACSLAB laboratories will be CLOSED in the next few days due to exceptional maintenance.

 - Monday 22nd Jauary

 - Tuesday 23rd January

 - Wednesday 24th January

 - Thursday 25th January: ACSLAB closed, LABINF reserved for student of "Architetture dei Sistemi di Elaborazione"

 - Friday 26th January: ACSLAB closed, LABINF reserved for student of "Architetture dei Sistemi di Elaborazione"

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Avviso: Remote Disk ftp

Problems on remote disk are now fixed. It can be accessed again as usual.